and why we do what we do

Best of both worlds

WhyBuy is the fusion of left brain and right brain, where practicality meets imagination. When you partner with us, you're not just getting analytical order and logic; you're also infused with feeling and passion. At WhyBuy, we bring together the best of both worlds to create a harmonious blend that drives results beyond expectations

Meet your Producer, Cody Hladki, a seasoned CPA with a diverse background in management, consulting, and finance. With a wealth of expertise in advertising, communication, research, forecasting, sales, and account management, Cody excels in overseeing the seamless execution of client projects. Combining analytical prowess with strategic acumen, Cody ensures each endeavour is met with precision and effectiveness, driving unparalleled results for our clients

Meet your Creative Director, Mikhail Sorokin, a BCOM graduate with expertise in marketing, consulting, and branding. With a mastery of scripting, strategy development, cinematography, editing, and graphic design, Mikhail brings a multifaceted skill set to the table. As a recognized Emmy award-winning composer, adept Cinematographer, and Editor he possesses a unique ability to understand client needs and craft strategies that resonate deeply

Before you buy

Digital marketing and video production services explained with Co-Founder and Creative Director Mikhail Sorokin

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  • Photo
  • Video

Our process

Social media strategy

Our specialty


At our core, authenticity isn't merely a strategy; it's ingrained in our values. Genuine connections with clients and audiences are paramount to deliver effective results. In essence, to craft content that resonates, we are transparent and direct with our clients to understand the genuine and authentic attributes that best achieve their objectives

With our clients we approach their business as good students. We listen, learn, research, and entrench ourselves in their industry before making any recommendations. At the same time, we are patient and forthright as we share insights about our industry with them. Founded in Edmonton over 5 years ago, we aim to continue growing relationships built on mutual respect and transparency

For the audience we love, the people we make content for, we do our utmost to deliver what they want to see. This requires a delicate balance of education and entertainment. While we pride ourselves on execution for our clients vision, we know that to truly succeed with any video, photo, website, or social media campaign, we must respect the people who love to watch the work we do

Diverse backgrounds

Experience lends perspective. Cody and Mikhail come from diverse industry backgrounds. As a result, clients have the added benefit of a marketing team with experience in management, finance, and sales within multiple industry verticals

Unique skill sets

Hands on. All of the services offered from WhyBuy can be performed in house. Cody and Mikhail can speak to, demonstrate, and execute all aspects of a digital campaign


Different personalities. Cody and Mikhail challenge each other, poke holes in each others ideas, and fight to arrive at the best possible outcome for clients. Behind the scenes, there is no bs, and no wasted time. To this day, the friendship has endured

Go behind the scenes 

Testimonials and more!

Contact us

Your video vision matters to us, and we're here to make it shine. Our diverse and passionate team is eager to connect, answer your queries, and embark on a collaborative journey. Reach out today with your thoughts and ideas – let's start building a project that reflects your authentic vision. Your trust is our foundation!

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